Berseem clover


Rapid growing plant, that can be used in a single culture to obtain forage or seeds, or in meadows with different varieties of leguminous and/or graminaceous plants, to enhance protein content of hay. Can also be used as green manure.

Technical characteristics

Agronomic characteristics:

Recently selected variety with yellowish and violet seeds. Well adaptable to different types of soils provided they're not very acid. Erect stem that lignifies and gets rich in leaves late making Berseem clover a highly nutritious competitive plant together with lucerne alfalfa.


Early autumn or spring with 25-30 kg/ha


high in protein forage with a production of 25 to 50 tons/ha depending on irrigation possibilities. Seed production gives more or less 800 to 1100 kg/ha.


cold (if it has grown at least 3-4 leaves before the first freeze) and fungal diseases tolerance.


10 and 25 kg