Hairy vetch

Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.)

Very rustic and annual hairy vetch grows well in really different pedoclimatic environment, used in fall-spring herbage blends. Prostrate growing vine also used as a companion plant to wheat as an alternative to biannual rotating crops, as it can fortify the soil with nitrogen and disperse quickly facilitating wheat cultivation.

Technical characteristics

Agronomic characteristics:

well-adaptable in autumn-spring for north-center regions as for grassy meadow because of its good frost and cold tolerance. Adaptable to hot and dry climate, to sandy, acid or alkaline soils. Slower growth compared to Common Vetch, catching up during the flowering.


autumn with 70-100 kg/ha of seeds planted in narrow rows alone or with other grass or leguminous plant.


with 2 cuts, if mown before flowering, 25-30 tons/ha of excellent quality green mass production and especially palatable to milk cows. Can be used fresh or as silage but also to give hay to animals or to be ploughed back into the soil. Sown in spaced rows, Minnie can produce 400-1000 kg/ha of seeds.


Very good frost and fungal infection tolerance. Susceptible to aphids.


10 and 25 kg