Common vetch

Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.)

Annual voluminous variety. It can be used for hay or for forage production. It can be used alone or together with other plants in grassland, the product is qualitatively good and rich in proteins.

Technical characteristics

Agronomic characteristics:

easy adaptable to different types of climate. It can thus be sown at any time from November till March. Finely adaptable to clayey, limey soils, also firm but sufficiently porous soil.


autumn or spring with 100-125 kg/ha if cultivated alone, 50-75 kg/ha if planted together with other leguminous or grass plants.


forage mowing has to be done just after flowering. Green mass productions can reach up to 30 tons/ha. For seed production, crop must be harvested before pods maturity therby avoiding product loss. Grain production can reach on average 1500 and even 2000 kg/ha.


excellent frost and fungal infection tolerance. Low tolerance to aphids and to waterlogging.


10 and 25 kg